Public Construction Projects

The City of Lenexa manages several public construction projects throughout the year. These projects are critical to supporting development opportunities and improving infrastructure. The city budgets for these projects through the City’s Capital Improvement Program using one or more of the funding sources described below.

Funding sources

  • 3/8-cent sales tax – These are funds from a voter approved 3/8-cent sales tax that is imposed on all retail sales in Lenexa. These funds are used to maintain roads, improve existing park facilities and provide new recreational opportunities. This sales tax became effective in 2008 and expires in 20 years.

  • CARS (County Assisted Road System) funds – These are state highway gas tax funds distributed to cities in Johnson County to construct and maintain major arterial roadways. Each year the cities submit project requests and the county selects the projects and allocates the funds.

  • Excise tax – These funds come from a tax, which is levied on the platting of real estate property. They are spent on transportation improvements.

  • Federal grants – These are funds awarded by the federal government to the city for a specified project.

  • General obligation bonds – This funding source is a result of the issuance of long-term debt (10 to 20 years). This debt is used to finance a variety of public projects which are repaid by a portion of the city property tax levy.

  • Other – Funding received from other sources not listed.

  • Other local government funding – These are funds received from other area governments to assist with the financing of an improvement project. For example, funds have been received from the City of Overland Park and the City of Shawnee for projects that are located in multiple jurisdictions.

  • Parks funding – This includes a variety of funding sources, such as the special liquor tax, which is used to account for money provided by a state liquor tax on private clubs and spent for the purchase, establishment and maintenance or expansion of park and recreational services, programs and facilities.

  • Public safety sales tax – These are funds we receive from the county-approved sales tax that is imposed on all retail sales with the county.

  • SMAC – These are funds allocated by the Johnson County Stormwater Management Advisory Council for flooding issues throughout the county. These funds are collected through 0.1 percent county sales tax levy.

  • Special benefit district – Projects that more directly benefit certain property owners may be financed by the use of special assessments. The direct benefiting property owners are assessed the cost of improvement and these funds are used to finance the project.

Special Benefit District Lookup Tool

  • Special highway fund – Funds levied by the State of Kansas on the sale of gasoline. A portion of these funds are given to us and in turn are used for constructing, maintaining and repairing streets and highways.

  • State grants – These are funds awarded by the State of Kansas to the city for a specified project.

  • Stormwater cash – Funds come from available cash in our Stormwater fund. The Stormwater fund is funded from fees imposed on residential and nonresidential developed property and also fees imposed on new development.

  • Stormwater bonds - This funding source is a result of the issuance of long-term debt (typically 20 years). This long-term debt finances only stormwater improvement projects which are repaid from stormwater user fees and stormwater capital charges.

  • TIP funds – These funds come from the traffic impact fees (TIF) imposed on new development. Funds are spent on traffic operational improvements.

  • Transfer – These are funds which are transferred annually into our Capital Improvement Fund for the purpose of financing capital improvement projects.