Comprehensive Plan Update

Comprehensive Plan draft cover

About the Comprehensive Plan update

In summer 2021, the City of Lenexa selected Houseal-Lavigne to lead an update to our Comprehensive Plan. A Comprehensive Plan is a blueprint for the future that directs growth and development for the next 20 years. The creation of a Comprehensive Plan can lead to potential strategies that will help effectively guide City leaders as they make substantive and thoughtful decisions for the community.

A comprehensive plan is both aspirational, reflecting the vision of the community, and technical in nature, laying out the framework for how development is planned to occur.

Lenexa’s Comprehensive Plan will address:

  • Community Vision, Goals and Objectives
  • Land Use & Development
  • Housing & Neighborhoods
  • Economic Development
  • Transportation & Mobility
  • Community Facilities & Infrastructure
  • Natural Areas, Parks & Open Space
  • Implementation Strategies

Draft Comprehensive Plan (PDF)

Next steps

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  • The Planning Commission and City Council are scheduled to review the draft plan at a joint meeting on April 23, 2024. This meeting will be for study and discussion purposes only, with no formal action taken.
  • A public hearing on the proposed Comprehensive Plan is planned for the June 3 Planning Commission meeting. The Planning Commission will then formally vote to recommend approval of the plan or ask staff to make additional changes.
  • After the Planning Commission votes, the City Council will consider adopting the new Comprehensive Plan. This item is tentatively planned for the Council's June 18 meeting. Like the Planning Commission, they can ask for additional changes to be made before adopting the Plan. 

Vision Statement

The year is 2040. Lenexa is a vibrant, growing community that is welcoming to all. People are engaged with their City and each other. The City’s history, natural beauty, and unique places, such as Old Town, Black Hoof Park, and Lenexa City Center bring people together in exciting ways! A variety of attainable housing choices are available to residents of all backgrounds, no matter their stage of life, socioeconomic status, or physical ability. Amenity-rich neighborhoods provide high quality of life, with convenient access to goods and services, parks and trails, multi-modal transportation options, and exceptional schools.

Lenexa’s expanded network of innovative Complete Streets prioritize safe, active, and sustainable connections to improve the livability of current and future residents, workers, and visitors of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. Trails, sidewalks, and bicycle facilities connect neighborhoods to each other and to employment centers and commercial services.

A robust variety of employment opportunities and businesses fuel Lenexa’s local economy, supporting a diverse workforce and innovative energy conservation and sustainable development practices. The City thrives by serving neighborhoods and the business community with excellent transportation, infrastructure, and community facilities and programs.

The community celebrates and strengthens its local identity through delivering exceptional city services, programming a range of community events and activities, and providing attractive public spaces for socializing and enjoying the outdoors.

Lake Lenexa: A testament to how comprehensive planning benefits our community.

Now an iconic local destination, the beautiful spillway and natural woodland at Lake Lenexa and Black Hoof Park are so much more than an idyllic spot to escape into nature. 

Lenexa leaders knew decades ago how the land around what's now Lake Lenexa was likely going to be used. In addition to needing new roads, trails, utilities and natural spaces, they knew the rainwater running off hundreds of new rooftops, driveways and parking lots would need somewhere to go. 

Fifteen years after Lake Lenexa was dedicated, it's capturing runoff and pollution from 600 acres of new development being built above the lake. Trails are in place to connect to existing and future paths. Streets, stormwater, parks, trails and streetlight networks are already in place to accommodate new neighborhoods.

The City's Comprehensive Plan guides these decisions, and Lenexa is working on a new version of this important document today.