Falcon Valley Drive Reconstruction Project

Falcon Valley Drive Reconstruction Project

Project phasing mapFalcon Valley Drive intersectionIntersection during constructionIntersection after constructionEquipment removing streetCrews working in neighborhoodCrews working near medianStreet removed in neighborhood

Current status

2024 update

The project is substantially complete. This spring, the project team will review seeding and sod establishment and complete the double yellow pavement markings on the roadway. There will be minor cleanup work over the coming months, but the majority of work is complete. 

If you notice issues with your irrigation that you feel are related to the construction project, please contact us.

Project Description

The Falcon Valley Drive Project will completely reconstruct the roadway in 2023 from Woodland Road to Prairie Star Parkway. The road is past its useful life, and typical preventative maintenance strategies, like mill and overlay, are no longer cost-effective due to how quickly the maintenance strategies will fail. 

The project will consist of complete removal of the roadway, subgrade modifications, underdrain installation, additional pedestrian accommodations, spot replacement of curb and gutter, streetlight upgrades and new asphalt pavement.

Project Phasing

A major project objective is to minimize the construction impacts to residents. Segments of the road will be closed at times, but you will always have access to your residence. 

Map of phasing plan (PDF)

Cost and Funding Sources

Total cost: $3.9 million

Funding sources: Capital Improvement Fund –  Pavement Reconstruction Program. See the 2023-2027 Capital Improvement Program for details.


Easement acquisition: April–June 2023 (complete)

Final design: May 2023 (complete)

Opened bids: June 14, 2023 (complete)

Awarded contract at City Council: June 20, 2023 (complete)

Utility relocations: June–July 2023 (ongoing)

Construction: Late July–November 2023

  • Project is substantially complete. Final completion will be met in spring 2024.


Project Team

Engineering Design: Olsson Associates

Construction Contractor: McConnell & Associates

Inspection and Material Testing: Olsson Associates

Why Complete Reconstruction?

The City and their consultant have reviewed the asphalt and underlying base material (subgrade) of Falcon Valley Drive. The team found that the subgrade soils consist of low-density and moist cohesive material, which will often lead to a soft, wet and weak subgrade. The asphalt pavement showed no apparent material defects and appeared to be failing due to the subgrade issues. 

When soft, wet and weak subgrade is the underlying cause of a failing road, the best long-term strategy is to completely replace the roadway. This includes removing unsuitable soil, densifying the subgrade, installing an aggregate base, and finally installing the base and surface asphalt. Installing underdrains will prevent the water intrusion issues that caused the subgrade to weaken. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Throughout design and construction, City staff have received several questions about the proejct. Here are some commonly asked questions. 

Will there be a way into the business center on the southeast corner of Woodland Road and Falcon Valley Drive/101st Street during construction?
There will always be access into the business center. During certain phases of construction, you might need to use a signed detour or alternate route you're not used to.

During Phase 1 of the reconstruction portion of the project, currently scheduled for late August, Falcon Valley Drive/101st Street will be completely closed from Woodland Road to Millstone Drive. During that phase, drivers will have to access the business center suing the entrance off northbound Woodland Road or by driving down all of Falcon Valley and using the side road at Millstone Drive.

Will I be driving over a gravel roadway during construction?
The design team has phased the project to minimize disruptions to the traveling public. While one entrance into an area of a neighborhood is closed during construction, we plan to keep another entrance open so you can get to your property on existing streets. Travelers will have little no access through a phase when it is under construction.
During that time, the contractor will be removing the existing pavement, stabilizing the subgrade and placing a new base and asphalt. The driving surface for a completed phase will be asphalt. You can see how to access your home during each phase on this map.

Several people drive too fast on Falcon Valley Drive, and they often travel down the center of the roadway. For security, is there any chance of painting a center-lane stripe?
The City would not always place a yellow center-lane stripe down the roadway. After conversations with the public and research of the project area, the design team will add a center-lane stripe to the project. This will be completed at the end of the project construction. 

When will you resurface/repair the street in front of my house?
The City is constantly assessing the condition of our roadways as part of our Pavement Management Program. We anticipate a street maintenance project in this area in the coming years. We announce upcoming project locations annually, typically in late winter/early spring. 

When will the streetlights be back on?
Several of the streetlights along Falcon Valley Drive and the surrounding side streets will be off during reconstruction. Streetlights are scheduled to be placed in mid- to late October.

Have questions?

Contact Project Manager Cody Wilbers at [email protected] or 913.477.7660.